We love them for their creativity and vivacious personalities, but they’re not always perfect. Makeup After reading this, here’s hoping they won’t ever make these mistakes on us again.
Applying the wrong shade of foundation.
“Did someone dump a bag of flour on my face?” I once asked myself as I flipped through some pictures from last week’s event. “How could I not have noticed?” I thought. I challenge you to check your photo album right now and count the number of pictures of yourself where your face appears visibly whiter than the rest of your body. Cringe-inducing, right? Don’t worry. It happens to even to the best of us.
Most cosmetic brands originate from the west with the Caucasian target market in mind. Until recently, they didn’t offer a lot of choices for ethnic groups. We’ve had no choice but to embrace what they’ve had to offer in our department stores where we usually shop for makeup.
Tips: Take a picture of yourself with the flash on to determine if your foundation matches your skin tone. If your face appears either lighter or darker compared to your neck and the rest of your body, try again. Can’t find your perfect shade? Try mixing two different shades of foundation to match your skin tone.
Using too much makeup.
Have you ever stared at yourself in the mirror and not recognize your face with all that makeup on? I live by the philosophy that when makeup is done right, you don’t need much. Makeup should serve to enhance your natural features while hiding imperfections here and there. If your makeup artist has managed to make you beautiful and still look like yourself at the same time, you’ve found a gem.
Unless you are going to be on television or on stage where harsh lighting can wash out your makeup, you really don’t need much. But then again, every now and then it’s nice to try something different for character photoshoots.;)
Tip: Wipe it off and start over!
Applying the wrong shade of under-eye concealer or not blending it well.
Hey, even JLo’s makeup artist made this mistake. The under-eye concealer is meant to be a shade lighter than your skin tone. When it’s too light you get the opposite of a raccoon eye and it makes your face look segmented. Typically makeup artists tend to over-apply concealer to hide tired eyes or dark eye bags. When not done correctly, however, it may only serve to highlight those problems even more.
Tip: Ask your makeup artist to blend it better or layer a darker shade over it.
Forcing a high-bridged nose.
The appreciation of a high-bridged nose is deeply rooted in our culture. Growing up we are constantly bombarded with images of beautiful women on the cover of magazines from the western culture. We are used to making fun of the ‘Filipino nose’.
If we genuinely love ourselves for who we are and stop trying to become someone we’re not, then maybe our makeup artists can get over this mistake…forever! It’s normal and acceptable for makeup artists to perform contour shading around the nose area for definition (even people with high-bridged noses get it done), but when they overdo it you could end up with dark lines on the sides of your nose making you look completely fake. Most of all, if you don’t really need it, you’re better off without it.
Tip: Blend downwards with a light foundation to make the lines appear more subtle.
Touching your face without first sanitizing their hands.
We all do our best to take good care of our skin. One simple way to do this is by keeping it clean from germs, bacteria and other microorganisms that may irritate the skin or cause acne. Therefore it’s only fair to expect makeup artists to sanitize their hands before touching your face. A while back I remember the strong smell of cigarettes on the hands of a makeup artist. Eeewww. I was completely turned off by the experience.
Tip: Keep a hand sanitizer handy and politely offer it to your makeup artist before a makeup session.
Dirty makeup brushes or beauty tools.
This has got to be one of my most annoying pet peeves when it comes to someone else doing my makeup. The thought of dirty makeup brushes or beauty tools used so many times on other people’s faces then being used on mine makes me very uncomfortable. When a makeup artist arrives with clean makeup tools, he/she gives me the impression of professionalism and I feel more confident with his/her work.
Tip: Bring out your own set of clean brushes or other beauty tools in case your makeup artist arrives with a dirty set. Here’s a tip on how to clean them.
Lip liner a little too far above your natural lip line.
Makeup artists may draw your lip liner differently to improve the shape of your lips or make them appear fuller. It can look funny and very unnatural if they exaggerate the line or use the wrong shade of lip liner.
Tip: Opt for a dab of gloss on the center of your lips instead for fuller, natural-looking lips.
Tell us: What mistake has your makeup artist made that you absolutely cannot forget? We’d love to hear it!