As we previously announced, Mitchell Royel has been selected to be the recipient of Crush Fashion’s 2021 Black Lives Empowerment Award for his role in executive producing The High Society Issue of ELIXIR by Royel.
Mitchell Royel will receive his award officially within the next 30 days and will have his name featured on our official platform.
The High Society Issue of ELIXIR by Royel featured African model Nyakim Gatwech on the cover. The issue focused on racial equality and the impact that privilege has on modern day society. ELIXIR by Royel is a webzine for Generation-Z. Each issue features themed open letters from influencers who reside all over the globe.
You can browse previous issues of ELIXIR by Royel for free at elixirbyroyel.com. You can also follow Mitchell Royel on Instagram @mitchellroyel.