
Mitchell Royel’s Top Hat: Fashion Symbolism and Magic

3 mins read

Mitchell Royel has been making waves in the music industry since 2010, when he released his debut single Crowd Nine on MySpace. The singer-songwriter quickly gained a following and went on tour across college campuses and retailers in California.

But it’s not just his music that has people talking. Recently, everyone seems to be asking about the history and symbolism behind Mitchell Royel’s top hat.

The top hat is a fashion staple for many entertainers, but for Mitchell, it holds a special meaning.

“I’ve always been able to create magic in my life, even when I didn’t have the money,” he says. “The top hat is a symbol of that for me.

Mitchell first started wearing his top hat in 2010 when he embarked on his Crowd Nine Tour. Since then, it has become one of his signature looks.

In 2011, Mitchell talked about releasing a line of top hats, but he later postponed the idea when he launched his digital magazine ELIXIR by Royel.

When Mitchell Royel first started modeling, he didn’t think that his top hat would become such a signature part of his look. But over time, the top hat has come to represent everything that Mitchell stands for: style, sophistication, and a touch of the supernatural.

For Mitchell, the top hat is more than just a fashion statement. It also has a practical purpose.

“I have a glass case that my top hat sits in to prevent it from collecting dust,” he says. “I also spray it with holy water every morning and before photoshoots.

The reason for this ritualistic behavior may surprise you. Before Mitchell was baptized, he was into black magic. “My friends and I would experiment with summoning spirits and doing energy work,” he says. “The holy water is my way of cleansing the hat.

Whether you see the top hat as a fashion statement or a talisman against evil, one thing is for sure: Mitchell Royel is one of the most stylish men in the world, and his top hat is a big part of that.

Mitchell’s next single is set to be released in September, along with the relaunch of his faith-based clothing line Mitch Leyor and a new issue of his digital magazine ELIXIR by Royel, which is titled The World Peace Issue.

We can’t wait to see what Mitchell has in store for us next!

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